Sociology and Social Work Review  




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ISSN: 2573-3222 (Print) | eISSN: 2573-3230 (Online)



Volume 2, Number 1, June 2018



Table of Contents:


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Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions in Romania
Adrian-Nicolae Dan
A general perspective on the meanings of the socio- demographic indicators in the Danube counties of Oltenia
Gabriel Nicolae Pricină
The European institutional actors in handling migration
Alexandra Porumbescu
Perception of disabled people on their image and status in society
Cristina Ilie Goga, Andreea Mihaela Niță
Big data, privacy and information security in the European Union
Luigia Altieri, Gianmarco Cifaldi
Alexandra Porumbescu, Migrația românilor în Germania. Book Review
Cristina Ilie Goga
Instruction for authors

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       Sociology and Social Work Review | Volume 2: Number 1- June 2018




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