Criminology,  Investigation, Psychopathology

and International Forensic Sciences/

Criminologia,  Investigazione, Psicopatologia è Scienze Forense Internazionali





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ISSN: 1826-7130



Current Volume: Volume 56 | Current Issue: Issue 4 (September-December 2024)

Frequency: Quarterly



Prof. Ionuț Șerban, Ph.D.                                               University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania


Prof. Vincenzo Maria Mastronardi, Ph.D., M.D.,       University of International Studies, Rome, Italy

Honorary Editor:

Prof. George B. Palermo, Ph.D., M.D.,                         Las Vegas, USA

Managing Editor:

Prof. Monica Calderaro, Ph.D., M.D.,                           University of International Studies, Rome, Italy


Published in Association with

International Institute for Criminological and Forensic Sciences- IISCPF (Italy – USA)


Criminology,  Investigation, Psychopathology and International Forensic Sciences/ Criminologia,  Investigazione, Psicopatologia è Scienze Forense Internazionali (CIPIFS) is published quarterly by Global Research Publishing House, California, U.S.A. All papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and anonymous double blind peer-review.

Criminology,  Investigation, Psychopathology and International Forensic Sciences draws inspiration from the valuable academic encounter with some well-known lecturers, acclaimed from the international scientific scene, like George Palermo of Las Vegas, as well as Roy Hazelwood, Michael Napier and Gregory Vecchi – former FBI Trainers in Quantico, Virginia – as well as from all the academic encounters over decades and, since 1988, from the establishment of several Master’s Degrees in Criminology and Forensic Science – founded by Prof. Vincenzo M. Mastronardi, former Holder of the Chair of Forensic Psychopathology of the then Department of Psychiatric Sciences (of Sapienza University, Rome): 4 Master’s Degrees were activated in Italy (2 at the Sapienza University in Rome, 1 at Unitelma – Sapienza and 1 at the University of International Studies of Rome – UNINT), as well as 2 in South America (1 in Buenos Aires with the Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales – UCES, directed by the Rector L.M. De Simoni of the Universidad de la Policía Federal Argentina and 1 in Montevideo with the Universidad de la Empresa, partnering with the Uruguayan Police).

Its foundations have then witnessed the vast scientific and cultural heritage of Prof. Mastronardi himself and his direct collaborations with Prof. Francesco Carrieri – Neuropsychiatrist and Medical Examiner – of the University of Bari, with Prof. Franco Ferracuti – Forensic Psychiatrist – of the Sapienza University in Rome, and with Prof. Franco Granone of the University of Turin,  remembered as the first Neuropsychiatrist who gave an academic and scientific body to clinical hypnosis with his “Hypnosis Treaty” published by UTET.

Some Authors of the “Journal of Forensic Psychopathology, Forensic Medicine, Criminology (Rivista di Psicopatologia forense, Medicina Legale, Criminologia)” – owned by the Sapienza University in Rome, which divested its publications in 2021 – have also provided their contributions to this Journal.

Vincenzo M. Mastronardi


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