Criminology and Criminal Law Review





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ISSN: 2577-1345 (Print) | eISSN: 2577-1353 (Online)


Volume 6, Issue 1 (March 2023)



Table of Contents:



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Female Crime and Prison Treatment
Nicola Malizia
pp. 6-22
Aggression in developmental age and antisocial conduct- an in-depth investigation into causes, forms and social implications
Nella Tiralongo
pp. 23-37
The psychopathological profile of the criminal between recognition, interpretation, diversity
Ionut Virgil Serban
pp. 38-53
Cross-border Interoperability and Digital Identity Management in the EU Digital Single Market
Lusambo J. Lwanzo
pp. 54-82
Instruction for Authors

pp. 83-86


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Criminology and Criminal Law Review | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | March 2023




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Global Research Publishing