Criminology and Criminal Law Review





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ISSN: 2577-1345 (Print) | eISSN: 2577-1353 (Online)


Volume 1, Number 2 (December 2018)



Table of Contents:



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The system of prevention of corruption in public procurement in Italy the symptomatic indices of corruption phenomena
Benedetta Ciferni
pp. 7-18
Neuroscience, Criminology and the issue of the cause of criminal behaviour
Pierluca Massaro
pp. 19-26
The camouflage of the extortion activity and the different types of extra-legal authority in illegal and legal markets
Giacomo di Gennaro
pp. 27-49
Social finance, pay by result and social impact bond
Iolanda Romualdi
pp. 50-67
Legal and criminological profiles of Article 41 bis OP- purposes, limits and perspectives
Gianmarco Cifaldi
pp. 68-76
Instructions for authors CCLR 2018
pp. 77-79


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Criminology and Criminal Law Review | Volume 1 | Number 2 | December 2018

Global Research Publishing