Criminology and Criminal Law Review


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ISSN: 2577-1345 (Print) | eISSN: 2577-1353 (Online)


Table of Contents:

Volume 1, Number 1, March 2018

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Incapacitation and Incarceration. A comparison between Italy and the United States
Mariateresa Gammone
Conditions of detention under art. 41-bis 2nd subparagraph of the penitentiary system: its exact functionality Some comments to the circular letter n. 3676 of 2.10.2017
Alessia Meloni, Antonella Fabi
Italy’s Penitenciary Order: art.41 bis OP. Juridical and criminological profiles
Gianmarco Cifaldi, Ermenegilda Scardaccione
Epistemology of the social control
Fabrizio Fornari
Myth and Reality of the Global Terrorist Threat
Pino Arlacchi
Euthanasia: a review on worldwide legal status and public opinion
Garima Jain, Sanjeev Sahni
Corruption as a social problem
Gianmarco Cifaldi

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Criminology and Criminal Law Review-1-2018


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