Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Nicola Malizia Author-Workplace-Name: University of Enna “Kore”, Enna, Italy Title: "Risk factors in the work of the social worker: summary of a research on external user violence" Abstract: In Italy, especially in recent years, the phenomena of violence against social workers by external users have assumed worrying dimensions, as in many other countries. Over time, numerous researches have shown that the phenomenon has become a real alarm in the professional community and that the wide spread reached by violence against this category of workers is connected with the levels of precariousness of social policies and the slow but constant weakening of the networks of social services supporting people in difficulty. Starting from these premises and from the more general assumption that at the centre of the professional action of the assistant there is the relationship with the user, a new research study was conducted with the aim of monitoring the phenomena of violence against social workers residing in the Region of Sicily, their incidence and types of consequences. The research, following a memorandum of understanding between the University of Enna 'Kore' and Croas (Regional Council of the Order of Social Workers of Sicily), was conducted by means of an anonymous information questionnaire submitted online to a population of 4736 social workers registered with the Order of Social Workers of Sicily. The data were collected in February and March 2023 and processed in the following month of April. 32.4%, that is, 1542 operators, of whom 941 registered in the A register section (61%) and 601 registered in the B register section (39%) participated by answering the questionnaire in full. Closedended questions were used, which are known to fairly facilitate the interpretation of participants' answers, on the basis of which a comparative analysis can be carried out and, where this was not the case, the data was modified and converted to the form and context necessary to allow for correct interpretation (number, scale, graph). The results showed that approximately 50 per cent of the respondents had experienced at least one incident of physical/verbal violence in the course of their work. Classification-JEL: I14, K30 Keywords: violence; social service; work; society; victimisation. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 6-26 Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2023 Month: June File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Risk-factors-in-the-work-of-the-social-worker-summary-of-a-research-on-external-user-violence.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:7:y:2023:i:1:p:6-26 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Ilaria Iannuzzi Author-Workplace-Name: University of Rome Sapienza, Rome, Italy Title: " From “subject” to “project”. Subjectivity’s transformations in workspaces" Abstract: This paper aims to investigate, through a theoretical analysis, the transformative processes that invest subjectivity in its relationship with the working dimension, starting from the consideration of the centrality of capitalism for contemporary society and of the performative role it plays with respect to human and social experience. The subject has often been analyzed form an “object” perspective, in that the analyses mainly focused on how much capitalism makes the subject an object. Currently capitalism is not limited to this type of exploitation but affirms even more its performative dimension by shifting the perspective from the subject as an “object” to the subject as a “project”. What is the social actor’s role in this way? The impression is that some resources, such as trust, creativity and sociability are used, but not respected in their constitutive logic, nor reproduced. The point is that the question is not on the analysis of the processes that involve exclusively the economic sphere, but in the examination of the processes that risk producing important effects on the social life, as demonstrated by the colonization of every vital area by the economic logic, which advocates efficiency, incentives and speed as the criteria to be used no longer and not only in the economic sphere, but even in the most private areas of the personal dimension. Classification-JEL: J10, J50, J70, J80 Keywords: subject; project; subjectivity; capitalism; workspaces; personality. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages:27-34 Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2023 Month: June File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/From-%E2%80%9Csubject%E2%80%9D-to-%E2%80%9Cproject%E2%80%9D.-Subjectivity%E2%80%99s-transformations-in-workspaces.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:7:y:2023:i:1:p:27-34 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Gianmarco Cifaldi Author-Workplace-Name: University of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy Title: "Evolution of Concepts of Privacy and Personal Data Protection under the Influence of Information Technology Development" Abstract: The preservation of privacy is inextricably linked to technical advancement: nowadays, modern science and technology make it quite simple to invade someone's privacy. The basic right to data privacy and the growing need for personal information collide as a result. The legislation must change to reflect these advances in order to guarantee the protection of privacy under the law. However, it is crucial to identify the underlying concepts pertaining to the concept of privacy. In order to better comprehend the notion of privacy and discover a solution for how privacy may be properly safeguarded in the information society, the study's goal is to outline the historical evolution of privacy. In addition to providing a thorough explanation of the GDPR, the study makes an analysis of literature on the evolution of data protection and the effect of technological advancements on the evolution and emergence of the personal data protection. Classification-JEL: J80, K24, O30 Keywords: personal data protection; GDPR; privacy; data processing; data storage. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 35-60 Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2023 Month: June File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Evolution-of-Concepts-of-Privacy-and-Personal-Data-Protection-under-the-Influence-of-Information-Technology-Development.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:7:y:2023:i:1:p:35-60 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Ionut Serban Author-Workplace-Name: University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania Title: "The contribution of neuroscience on ascertaining individual responsibility in anti-social and anti-legal behaviour" Abstract: Lately, neuroscience studies on deviant and criminal behaviours have been intensified, with particular reference to the implications on the field of law and the criminal process. By analysing the origin of behaviour, these emerging sciences, would be able to identify possible biological or genetic causes that may have affected the will and awareness of anti-social and anti-law acts committed. It is obvious that the debate shifts to the 'question' of liability. The re-founding of the criminal law on a scientific basis, as the probative reconstruction of criminal facts is increasingly entrusted to the results of technical-scientific evidence, raises concerns regarding their relevance and reliability, while being used together with the traditionally known instruments. This study intends, therefore, to investigate both the results achieved so far by neuroscience for the explanation and interpretation of deviant (or criminal) conduct on scientific grounds, and to understand its possible contribution at a legal level, without any prejudice to the guarantees of a fair and free criminal trial for the individual and the principle of human free will. In any case, neuroscience has opened a window towards a new approach to the criminal law, since knowing man better and understanding his behaviour will inevitably lead to both an adaptation and a renewal of the law and its types. Classification-JEL: K14, K40, K42, P37 Keywords: deviance; crime; justice; neuroscience; law; anti-social; anti-law; individual responsibility. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 61-77 Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2023 Month: June File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/sswr/sociology-and-social-work-review-volume-7-issue-1-june-2023/doi-10-58179-sswr7104/ File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:7:y:2023:i:1:p:61-77 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Giada Cascino Author-Workplace-Name: “Kore” University of Enna, Enna, Italy Title: "School drop-out/early leaving from education and training: diachronic and comparative analysis of conceptualisation and operational definition in Europe and Italy" Abstract: The political-institutional and academic literature shows a lack of unambiguous positions on the phenomenon of school drop out/early leaving from education and training, both with regard to its conceptualisation (nominal definition) and its operational definition (properties, unit of analysis, reference time of the detected condition, institutions involved). Considering that the nominal definition and the operational definition of a social phenomenon assume relevance because its descriptive analysis and its monitoring are based on these elements, expressing its significance (prevalence) on a given territory, but also and above all because they serve to help take decisions to solve practical problems, in this specific case, relating to the design and planning of measures aimed at combating it, the contribution aims to help disambiguate the meaning associated with the different expressions and indicators used in the European and Italian political-institutional contexts. The contribution proposes a diachronic and comparative analysis of a number of European (European Council; European Commission; Council of European Union) and Italian (Ministry of Education) political-institutional documents considering the period from 2000 - the year of the Lisbon Strategy approval, which focuses on the role of education for Europe’s social and economic growth - to the first half of 2023. Based on the salient aspects observed from the analysis of the documents, the contribution traces two perspectives of conceptualisation and detection of the phenomenon: the “ex post perspective” in the European context, the “in itinere perspective” in the Italian context. Classification-JEL: H52, H75, I29, P46 Keywords: school drop out; ESL; ELET; European political-institutional documents; Italian political-institutional documents. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 78-97 Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2023 Month: June File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/School-drop-out_early-leaving-from-education-and-training-diachronic-and-comparative-analysis-of-conceptualisation-and-operational-definition-in-Europe-and-Italy.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:7:y:2023:i:1:p:78-97 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Alfonso Villani Author-Workplace-Name: University of Molise, Campobaso, Italy Title: " Reduction of statehood and widening of inequalities in the period of neo-liberal globalization" Abstract: In the contemporary world, sociology must deal with a series of issues that extend into the most diverse spheres of knowledge. This 'duty' objectively places sociology at the center of a series of dynamics that can effectively enhance its reflections and ultimately make it a compulsory part of present-day scientific literature. This analysis will examine the specific implications of globalization at the level of social, economic and legal institutions and highlight how globalization is often presented as a process in continuous evolution whose main effect is a profound change in the social representation of distance and political boundaries of the world (Zolo 2004; Cassese 2009). Classification-JEL: F10, F60, H70 Keywords: reduction of statehood; inequalities; neo-liberal period; globalization. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 98-112 Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2023 Month: June File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Reduction-of-statehood-and-widening-of-inequalities-in-the-period-of-neo-liberal-globalization.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:7:y:2023:i:1:p:98-112 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Adrian Nicolae Dan Author-Workplace-Name: University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Title: " Is There Anybody Out There? Young People from a Bucharest Deprived Neighbourhood in Search of Lost Echo. A photovoice exercise" Abstract: This article explores in what way and to what extent the life of some teenagers from a disadvantaged urban community is affected by the relationship with formal institutions (school, town hall, police, social assistance, employers / labour market) and relationships with other members of the community (neighbours, friends, acquaintances). The first part of this title obviously refers to the famous song by Pink Floyd "Is there anybody out there?" (The Wall, 1979), but also to the song by Machine Head (2016) "Is Anybody Out There?", the soloist of the band Rob Flynn saying that "The song is about love, loneliness, racism, and not getting what is going on in the world/America...It's very much about current events, but applies to a bigger picture." 2 The second part paraphrases Marcel Proust's famous novel „In Search of Lost Time”, because the echo of the desires and needs of the young people we are talking about is not found in social policies and everyday realities. The participatory research took place within an illegal camp of recently evicted families, mostly Roma ethnics. Over 100 people (27 families) living in a yard of houses in Bucharest, were evicted on September 2014. The research team designed research using photovoice as a method, involving 10 youngsters from this community, focusing on topics like important things in their life; social relationships - group of friends / family; education; employment - future aspirations, the importance of education in finding a job; involvement / participation in community life. The main conclusion drove toward the fact that for (these) young people, the family is the cornerstone. All their values, dreams, aspirations and needs are gravitating around family and mostly in the absence of almost any effective institutional support. Although at the level of public and political discourse there is a declared interest in improving the situation of adolescents and young people (especially from disadvantaged social segments), included in various strategies, programs and projects and in the speeches of decision-makers and politicians, in reality "real life beats the written strategy", the discord between the two practically leading to innovative adaptation and survival strategies ... but marginal! Classification-JEL: D60, D63, I30, Keywords: Disadvantaged youngsters; deprived neighborhood; photovoice; capability approach; social innovation. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 113-148 Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2023 Month: June File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Is-There-Anybody-Out-There_-Young-People-from-a-Bucharest-Deprived-Neighbourhood-in-Search-of-Lost-Echo.-A-photovoice-exercise-.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:7:y:2023:i:1:p:113-148 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Mariaclaudia Cusumano Author-Workplace-Name: University of Enna “Kore”, Enna, Italy Title: " Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Necrocene, or Chthulhucene. How to interpret the Environmental crisis" Abstract: Numerous crises that follow and intersect with each other generated the complexity of our time. Environmental, Social, and Economic effects are spread out on a local and global scale. What is the main characteristic of the crisis of our time? Is our time characterized by an invisible climate crisis accentuated by the hoarding of global natural resources, or the crisis we are experiencing is of an economic and military nature and leads us to rethink the economic and cultural models characterized by the forces of domination of our time? How do the multiple crises on social aspects manifest themselves within local communities? What can be a synthesis of the period we are experiencing under the fractures that the inhabitants of Gaia, the protagonists of this time, are called to mend? This article proposes an analysis of the main phenomena that are characterizing the twenty-first century, following the traces of the structures of domination and power inherited from the previous centuries, but which are already conducting humanity towards a new geological, the Anthropocene. This paper explores the interdependence between ecosystems, climate, biodiversity, and the human sciences to understand the need and urgency to stay within the relative threshold of 1.5° global temperature to ensure human survival. Classification-JEL: Q50, Q54, Q56, Q57, Q58, P10 Keywords: Anthropocene; Environmental Crisis; Climate Change; Global Capitalism; Complexity; Human and Social Sciences; Chthulhucene; Climate Justice. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 149-156 Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2023 Month: June File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Anthropocene-Capitalocene-Plantationocene-Necrocene-or-Chthulhucene.-How-to-interpret-the-Environmental-crisis-.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:7:y:2023:i:1:p:149-156 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Valeriu Fîrţală Author-Workplace-Name: University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Author-Name: Darie Cristea Author-Workplace-Name: University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Title: " Respect for freedom of (religious) conscience in the context of diversity – legal foundations and sociopolitical dilemmas" Abstract: Between 2020-2022, the Sociological Research Center LARICS – ISPRI has managed an already extensive project of sociological investigation of religiosity, and attitudes and opinions related to or based on religion, specific to the Romanian public. All this has triggered a consistent scientific and public debate. The article below is an attempt to respond to a number of elements of this debate. After all, there is a methodological problem at stake, which is significant since the design of the data collection tool in the case of such a theme. Axiological neutrality is hard to define when we study religious beliefs, as long as being religious and refusing religiosity are both value options, and both sociologically legitimate today. The following pages represent a conceptual navigation, from legal to sociological, among the nuances of complex terms, which you can find in the list of key concepts presented immediately below. Classification-JEL: Z10, Z12, Z13, Z18, Keywords: : religiosity, tolerance, pluralism, secularization, public space. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 157-165 Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2023 Month: June File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Respect-for-freedom-of-religious-conscience-in-the-context-of-diversity-%E2%80%93-legal-foundations-and-sociopolitical-dilemmas.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:7:y:2023:i:1:p:157-165 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Cristina Ilie Author-Workplace-Name: University of Craiova, Romania Title: ""Book Review: Eugenia Udangiu, Sociologia politicii [Sociology of politics], Craiova, Sitech, 2023, 112 pp., ISBN 978-606-11-8367-8" Abstract: This paper is a review of the book Sociologia politicii [Sociology of politics], Craiova, Sitech, 2023, 112 pp., ISBN 978-606-11-8367-8", written by Eugenia Udangiu. Classification-JEL: Y30, Z10 Keywords: Sociology of politics, book review. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 166-167 Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2023 Month: June File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Book-review.-Eugenia-Udangiu-Sociologia-politicii-Sociology-of-politics-.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:7:y:2023:i:1:p:166-167 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Alexandra Porumbescu Author-Workplace-Name: University of Craiova, Romania Title: ""Book Review: Anatolie Coșciug (coordinator), Perspective empirice asupra imigrației în România. De la țară de tranzit la țară de destinație [Empirical perspectives on immigration in Romania. From a transit country to a country of destination] Timișoara, Editura de Vest, 2022, 142 pp., ISBN 978-973- 36-0820-2" Abstract: This paper is a review of the book, Perspective empirice asupra imigrației în România. De la țară de tranzit la țară de destinație [Empirical perspectives on immigration in Romania. From a transit country to a country of destination] Timișoara, Editura de Vest, 2022, 142 pp., ISBN 978-973- 36-0820-2, coordinated by Anatolie Cosciug. Classification-JEL: Y30, R20, F22 Keywords: Migration, empirical research, Romania, book review. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 168-170 Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2023 Month: June File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Book-review.-Anatolie-Cos%CC%A6ciug-coordinator-Empirical-perspectives-on-immigration-in-Romania.-From-a-transit-country-to-a-country-of-destination.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:7:y:2023:i:1:p:168-170