Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Livia Dana Pogan Author-Workplace-Name: ”Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, Romania Title: "The impact of a global crisis on the world of work" Abstract: The global crisis caused by the spread of coronavirus was firstly acute and visible for the sanitary system, but the economic and social life were equally affected also. Work, professions, jobs were already suffering rapid transformations before the outbreak of Covid 19 and the pandemic brought new patterns, directions, hierarchies, preferences and necessities for companies, employees or entrepreneurs. Using data from the International Labour Organization and Eurostat, this paper aims to understand how the crisis determined by the Covid 19 outbreak influenced the work domain, from a comparative perspective, at global and European level. Several indicators, like employment and unemployment rates evolution, the share of temporary or part-time contracts or changes regarding remote work are captured. Several issues as work-family balance, blurrier boundaries between the two, remote working and the impossibility to perform frontline jobs remotely, the challenges caused by the pause in providing care and educational activities are also discussed. Classification-JEL: J64, E20 Keywords: Changes; Covid 19; crisis; employment; work. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 6-14 Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Year: 2021 Month: December File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/The-impact-of-a-global-crisis-on-the-world-of-work.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:5:y:2021:i:2:p:6-14 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Oana Lavinia Filip Author-Workplace-Name: University ,,Babeș-Bolyai’’, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Title: " The role of social services in the reintegration of domestic violence victims " Abstract: Violence manifested in the family environment is one of the major problems of Romanian society. Over time, significant steps have been taken in terms of social services provided to victims of domestic violence, but there are still many impediments to their proper functioning, such as the lack of response from civil society, which has placed domestic violence strictly inside the family, without considering the devastating effects of this phenomenon. The social-applicative investigation carried out on this topic includes a complex analysis regarding the role of social services in the reintegration of domestic violence victims. The quantitative research consisted in applying a questionnaire to a number of 100 women from Caraş - Severin County. Providing social services to abused women in the family environment is essential, because the functions they perform simplify the intervention process and facilitate the social reintegration of the victims of this phenomenon. Classification-JEL: I30, I10, K40 Keywords: Social reintegration; domestic violence; family; social services; welfare intervention; repercussions Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages:15-22 Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Year: 2021 Month: December File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/The-role-of-social-services-in-the-reintegration-of-domestic-violence-victims.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:5:y:2021:i:2:p:15-22 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Cristina Ilie Author-Workplace-Name: University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania Author-Name: Vali Ștefania Ileana Niță Author-Workplace-Name: University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania Title: "Suicide and the crime of determining or facilitating the suicide. A social and legal perspective" Abstract: This article gives a brief overview of the suicide phenomenon, starting from a theoretical approach and a worldwide statistical analysis to an analysis of this phenomenon in Romania. In the context of the analysis of the suicide phenomenon in our country, emphasis is also placed on the legislative part, taking into account the fact that in the Romanian Criminal Code we find the crime of "determining or facilitating the suicide". Classification-JEL: K40, I10, I30 Keywords: Suicide; theoretical analysis; statistical analysis; Romania; criminal law; the crime of "determining or facilitating the suicide. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 23-28 Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Year: 2021 Month: December File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Suicide-and-the-crime-of-determining-or-facilitating-the-suicide.-A-social-and-legal-perspective.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:5:y:2021:i:2:p:23-28 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Morena Altieri Author-Workplace-Name: University of Naples ”L´Orientale”, Naples, Italy Title: "New historical chapter for North American trade United States, México, Canada Agreement - USMCA" Abstract: The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a regional agreement signed between the governments of Canada, the United States and Mexico to make the creation of a free trade area effective. It entered into force on 1 January 1994. The conclusion of this agreement has always given rise to conflicting and opposing ideas. Today, this agreement has been in place for 26 years, and even now we have not reached a conclusion that brings the whole of public opinion into agreement. This article will try to see how the agreement has changed trade relations between countries, between the United States and Mexico in particular, analyzing changes in import and export flows and their impact on the trade balance, the role of Foreign Direct Investment and how the Peso crisis changed the impact of the agreement in the early years, thus giving an example of how events outside the agreement directly influence the results of the agreement. The new USMCA agreement, called NAFTA 2.0, will be analyzed and the areas that the three countries wanted to strengthen with the aim of forming a process of globalization and obtaining a single trade area will be addressed. Classification-JEL: F50, F60 Keywords: United States; Canada; Mexico; North American Free Trade Agreement; United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement; International trade. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 29-39 Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Year: 2021 Month: December File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/New-historical-chapter-for-North-American-trade-United-States-Me%CC%81xico-Canada-Agreement-USMCA.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:5:y:2021:i:2:p:29-39 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Salvatore Puglisi Author-Workplace-Name: University of Teramo, Teramo, Italy Title: "The “human” factor in the economic crisis: a new view in the rules of financial sector" Abstract: Among the several reasons of financial global crisis of 2007-2008, many of them can be connected with wrong assumption, underestimation or overestimation of events, and, in general, with choices that are not so much eligible to be defined rational. The importance of behavioural factor in banking and financial sector has been highlighted also by the reputational risk, namely that risk connected with loss in profit due to a negative feeling of bank image from customers, partners, shareholders, investors and Authorities. The aim of this paper in to investigate the role of the “human” factor in the development of the global crisis of 2008, by taking into account the rules of the financial sector. Classification-JEL: E60, G20 Keywords: Crisis; economics; finance; uncertainty: banks. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 40-47 Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Year: 2021 Month: December File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/The-%E2%80%9Chuman%E2%80%9D-factor-in-the-economic-crisis.-A-new-view-in-the-rules-of-financial-sector.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:5:y:2021:i:2:p:40-47 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Cristina Ilie Author-Workplace-Name: University of Craiova, Romania Title: "Book Review: Pino Arlacchi and Francesco Sidoti (Eds.), International Forum on Crime and Criminal Law. Financial crime, money laundering and asset recovery. Global trends, theoretical issues and case studies, Craiova, Alma, 2021, 303 pp., ISBN: 978-606-567-423-3" Abstract: This paper is a review of the volume International Forum on Crime and Criminal Law. Financial crime, money laundering and asset recovery. Global trends, theoretical issues and case studies, ISBN: 978-606-567-423-3, published in 2021 at Alma publishing house in Craiova, edited by Pino Arlacchi and Francesco Sidoti. Classification-JEL: Y30, K40 Keywords: Financial crime, money laundering and asset recovery, book review. Journal: Sociology and Social Work Review Pages: 48-50 Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Year: 2021 Month: December File-URL: https://globalresearchpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Book-review.-Pino-Arlacchi-and-Francesco-Sidoti-Eds..International-Forum-on-Crime-and-Criminal-Law.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEC:edr:sswrgl:v:5:y:2021:i:2:p:48-50